
Founded in 1997, Taida Motor Part Co. specializes in making various engines as well as performance parts and accessories for motorcycles, including performance fittings, oil-cooling kits (with oil drain parts), connectors, cylinder heads, cylinder gaskets, and oil temperature gauges, which are all meticulously fabricated to ensure high compatibility and easy installation. Using American-made high-pressure oil hoses, we deliver leak-proof connectors. Taida’s precision-bored performance cylinders are better than typical OE replacements. We accept custom orders for enlarged cylinders (featuring enlarged valve openings) for virtually all models. Talk to us. Taida is simply the right choice for you. 

Taida claims that its core competitiveness lies in highly-compatible accessories featuring easy and quick installation for both professional and DIY applications; continual product improvement and innovation; and excellent compatibility of fittings that helps to boost engine power.

Running on a TAIDA engine, our Japanese customer, MK ADVANCE, set a 3.192 second world record in the SS 1/32 mile race organized by MOTOR CHAMP. 

Taida Motor Part Co. Has founded for 16 years by Mr. Chiu.
At beginning, it just was a small working shop, specializing big boring the cylinder. Then, he starts to develop new product and sells many engine parts such as cylinder, cylinder head, camshaft, crankshaft, bearing, pump, gasket and valve for all our Taiwanese from north to south. Some of his featured products are oversize cylinder head, upgraded camshaft, skid proof bearings, stroke extended crankshaft. He insists produce the high quality goods although it will be high cost, and continues to open the new market in . foreign countries The exportation of Taida has 30% to 35% growing every year All staff in Taida will give the best service for the clients;. we think we can create our own super engine parts kingdom.
Taida is working with some good express, like UPS, EMS .... and YCS And you just need to key in the tracing number into the website of the express;. You can directly to find where your goods are It is convenient, safe and. fast.

CHUNGHWA POST http://www.post.gov.tw/post/internet/u_english/index.jsp?ID=21
UPS http://www.ups.com/content/tw/en/index.jsx
YCS http://www.ycsexpress.com/EN/index.htm

Taida Motor Part Co.
1F,No.50,Dongying 12th Street, East District, 401, Taichung city. Taiwan
Tel: 886-4-22136599
Fax: 886-4-22131777

E-mail: td87185162@yahoo.com.tw
E-mail: td87185162@gmail.com



台達的引擎曾經在日本客戶MK  ADVANCE,參加CHAMP舉辦的SS1/32英里的比賽咆出 3.192秒世界紀錄。

台達搪缸廠由邱先生成立於1997, 最初的規模只有小小的15坪大的工作室, 營業項目只有搪缸, 服務的對像也只有台中縣市地區的機車店, 員工僅2. 邱先生在2002年有感於機車改裝市場商機, 因而開發改裝的汽缸.曲軸.汽缸蓋…等改裝套件, 也因為改裝引擎的出現讓許多北台灣和南台灣的機車店趨之若騖的紛紛向台達訂購改裝套件, 2007年邱先生聯想到公司改裝引擎效果如此的好, 應開發國外市場, 讓國外了解台灣機引擎的先進,進而又創立了台達企業社,專攻國外市場的經營, 非常感謝國外的客人支持,台逹的外銷每年都有30%~35%的成長.發展到現在台達員工10, 廠房坪數也有近100, 皆是國內外客戶支持台達的成果.

台達公司有優良的運輸配合公司, 有中華郵政.UPSYCS快遞,
只要您輸入貨號, 就能查詢到您的貨品,方便.迅速且安全.

中華郵政: http://www.post.gov.tw/post/internet/u_english/index.jsp?ID=21
Taiwan Post :http://www.post.gov.tw/post/internet/u_english/index.jsp?ID=21
UPS express http://www.ups.com/content/tw/en/index.jsx
YCS 快捷 http://www.ycsexpress.com/
新竹貨運: http://www.hct.com.tw/searchGoods_index.aspx



アプリケーションのDIYの広い範囲をインストールするための迅速かつ容易にするという利点がある。 継続的な製品改良と技術革新、 と優れたアクセサリー、 エンジンパワーを向上させることができます。





CHUNGHWA POST http://www.post.gov.tw/post/internet/u_english/index.jsp?ID=21
UPS http://www.ups.com/content/tw/en/index.jsx
YCS http://www.ycsexpress.com/EN/index.htm

Taida Motor Part Co,.
No.358, Han Hsi St., East Dist., Taichung
40153, Taiwan
Tel: 886-4-22136599
E-mail: td87185162@gmail.com
E-mail: td87185162@yahoo.com.tw


迪奧組裝知識( Dio Install knowledg,Dio をインストール知識)


噴射車系 小改直上引擎套件組 (原廠尺寸高壓縮比設定汽缸, 小改 加大高壓縮比設定汽缸)