

影片中希臘機車店家面臨了銀行不開門的金融問題他要如何付款成了他最大的難題, 接下來PayPal 帳戶解決了這個問題, ( PayPal 在台灣配合了玉山銀行, PayPal 帳戶更便利 ) 訴說他為什麼喜歡台達企業社的機車引擎零配件.

1. Hi~My name is Nikos.
    I'm a technician and own a scooter shop in Greece.
2. My duty is to repair scooter for my customers.
    Sometime, I will buy parts from other countries.
3. My hobby is going around by a scooter with my wife.
4. Recently, I have encountered an awful situation.
    I cannot get my money from our local bank also I cannot to         transfer money to my supplier.
5. I cant get parts for the scooters I repair.
    Our banks are shut down here.
6. I feel very frustrated since I can't buy parts and also Im             nervous if that money I saved cant come back.
    What should I do?
7. I love Taida!
    I desire to have Taida products!!
8. I feel sad to cancel my new order from Taida.
    I told them 
I love the parts you offered me, the quality is           good and good service.
9. Taida's fast reply and helpful suggestion make me start to           smile, They ask me....
    " Do you have Paypal?"
10. I forget I have PayPal account.
      I can use PayPal to buy Taida parts even
      though the bank was shut down.
11. Just to fill in payment amount. No matter
      you're a scooter shop or individual player,
      you can pay bills easily.
12. Taida's Competitive Advantages:
     (1) Highly-compatible accessories are easy and quick to                    install for pros and even DIY applications.
     (2) Continual product improvement and innovation.
     (3) Excellent compatibility of fittings also helps to boost                    engine power.
13. GY6 125= 8.5 HP=125cc
      If you order…
      GY6 58.5mm cylinder + 61.3mm stroke crankshaft +                   cylinder head 28/23= 165cc= 11HP

      GY6 67mm cylinder + 66mm stroke crankshaft + cylinder           head 30.5/26.5= 232cc= 22 HP

14. Taida motor part co.,ltd
      Kymco : GY6, G5, KTR, VJR, JR100, Dink, APEX150,
                     Racing, king 180
      Yamaha: BWS100, BWS125, Fuzzy, FZR, Jog, RS100,
                     S-Max, T135, VINO50, Cygnus125, Majesty 125
                     , SR150...
        SYM   :Dio, GTS125, J-Power, Mio50, Fighter150,
                     X'PRO 100/125, Sy...


引用背景音樂來源 法國印象派作曲家德布西湖( Claude Debussy )的
The Girl With the Flaxen Hair

Taida Motor Part Co,.
No.358, Han Hsi St., East Dist., Taichung
40153, Taiwan
Tel: 886-4-22136599
E-mail: td87185162@gmail.com
E-mail: td87185162@yahoo.com.tw



迪奧組裝知識( Dio Install knowledg,Dio をインストール知識)


噴射車系 小改直上引擎套件組 (原廠尺寸高壓縮比設定汽缸, 小改 加大高壓縮比設定汽缸)